Warp Drive Systems :
Power : Improved Matter/Antimatter Reactor
(Secondary Hull)
Nacelles : 2 (Secondary Hull)

Speed :
Cruising : Warp 6.5
Maximum : Warp 9.7 (12 hours max)
Emergency : Warp 9.8
Failure : Warp 9.9
Max. Impulse speed : .92 Lightspeed

Impulse Drive Systems :
Power : Fusion Reactors
Engines : One (main) on Secondary Hull, two on Primary Hull.

Defensive Systems :
Deflector / Sheild system :
5 field generators provide shields for primary hull
3 field generators provide shields for secondary hull

Phasers :
Type : Type XI rapid pulse
Location :
2 strips on Primary Hull (300 degree firing arc)
6 strips on Secondary Hull (one covered while docked)
Range : 300,000 kilometers

Photon Torpedos :
Types :
140 - M/AM, warp sustainer coils, variable yield
60 - Quantum, warp sustainer coils, variable high yield
Location : 3 twin torpedo lanchers in the forward, aft and saucer module
Range : 750,000 kilometers

Crew Capacity :
Crew and family capacity :
1012 (760+252 non-Starfleet)
5000 (maximum life support)

Medical : 50 beds in Sickbay + triage in holodecks
Transporters : 6 + 22 emergency + 8 cargo

Auxiliary Spacecraft :
Shuttlebays :
1 (main) on Primary Hull
2 on Secondary Hull
Shuttlecraft :
10 Type-15 Shuttlepods
3 Type-7 Personnel shuttles
5 Type-6 Personnel shuttles
3 Type-9 Cargo Shuttles
4 Sphinx Workpods
Captain's Yacht: Docked to Primary Hull
Runabout Class: 2
Life boat placement

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