When the plan for the Galaxy Class Project was implemented, Starfleet Command issued a procurement order for six Galaxy class ships, with an option for six additional vessels, should conditions warrant. Once the spaceframe design was finalized, it was decided to complete the six initial vessels and take the other six to the end of the framework stage only. These six spaceframes were broken down into manageable segments and dispersed by cargo carriers to remote sites within the Federation as a security measure. The Inspiration, unlike the six ships before it, was not constructed at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Instead, it was built in a classified area within the Alpha Quadrant. The Inspiration is a mulitmission starship. The Inspiration's missions are that of: 1. deep space exploration; 2. ongoing scientific investigations; 3. contact with alien lifeforms; 4. implementation of Federation policy and diplomacy; 5. protection of Federation interests in planetary and interstellar conflicts; 6. emergency response and rescue. The Inspiration is currently at Spacedock, undergoing a systems update.
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